Before we start, I would like to define what I mean by normal user, the normal user is the majority of smartphones user’s that don’t need and don’t care about gaining administration access -root for Android – or custom ROMs and using the default UI, and default apps that manufactures provide.
1-Windows for phones UI.
Unlike IOS and Android that there design influenced by desktops OS’s , windows for phones is built from a ground up for touch screen.
2- Runs smoothly on low end devices
You don’t need Snapdragon’s 800 to have a good user experience on windows for phones , even a dual core low end processor and 512mb will run windows for phones perfectly.
3-Nokia hardware is excellent.
Let’s be honest, when we say windows phone the first phones to come in mind is the Lumia line.
Nokia hardware department -now owned by Microsoft- was the biggest cell phones manufacture for more than 12 years, from those years they learn a lot, and even there low end phones have a good build quality and, don’t forget to mention the best camera in class.
4-same experience across PC, tablets and, phones.
By the releasing of windows 10 users will have the same UI, same store and, same Apps across all devices.
5-Unified experience on every phone regards of manufacture.
If you been using Samsung Android’s phone then moved to HTC’s one you’d notice changes in everything that inexperienced users can’t till that they both have the same OS. In windows regards of the manufacture name you will get the same experience.
6- Even low end phones get updates.
Unlike on Android that the companies always upgrade only its flagship devices, every windows phone gets an updates as long as hardware is compatible. And the reason is the previous point, the unified look make it easy to update.
7- better battery life.
The release of HTC one W8 which is basically HTC one M8 but with windows instead of Android, allowed us for first time to compare both system on the same hardware. And the result for battery’s life came in the favor of windows.
8- Cortina
Let’s put it that way Cortina is like Google now and Apple Siri combined, but keep in mind its not available for every region right now.